
Aus VDR Wiki
(Unterschied zwischen Versionen)
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Zeile 120: Zeile 120:
* Some fixes for German Umlauts (will not work on pure UTF systems)
* Some fixes for German Umlauts (will not work on pure UTF systems)
* Fixes for avoiding resets
* Fixes for avoiding resets
| 1.3.0
| 09.04.2008
* Switch from i18n to gettext for vdr-1.5.x
| 1.2.4
| 03.01.2008
* Added Italian translation ( Thanks to Diego Pierotto )
| 1.2.3
| 01.05.2007
* Fix for STAY option
| 1.2.2
| 24.04.2007
* Adopted volume bar to vdr > 1.4.1 ( Patch made by arghgra )
| []
| 1.2.1
| 03.11.2006
* Changed setting for display brightness to values from 0-16 ( suggested by Ulf )
| []
| 1.2.0
| 01.11.2006
* Improved Display when replaying something ( dvd, mp3 ... )
* Fixed a bug causing crash when cdda ends (Ja hat denn das keiner bemerkt ?????????? )
| 1.1.0
| 01.09.2006
* Changed Setup terms for LED. ( suggested by SieDu )
* Added some svdrp commands for using LCD from external programs.
* New Option for Text Alignment ( suggested by Mechel )
* Fixed a bug causing crashing when recording ends ( reported by TEN )
| 1.0.0
| 30.04.2006
* Changed version number ;)
* Changes for vdr.1.4.0 ( won't work with older versions )
| []
| 0.4.0
| 12.01.2006
* Changed sequence of setup entries ( suggested by Frank99 )
* Corrected checking if LCD is available ( thanks to Frank99 )
* Some bugfixes
| 0.3.4
| 24.11.2005
* added setup option for display not available ( suggested by Randy )
* Checking Bit 7 of status byte for result ok ( thanks to 9000H )
| 0.3.3
| 16.07.2005
* reactivated channel group display ( thanks to Randy )
| 0.3.2
| 28.05.2005
* fixed Bug in Menu setting ( thanks to Thomas Keil )
| 0.3.1
| 05.05.2005
* fixed possible crash during recording with 2 cards
| []
| 0.3.0
| 22.02.2005
* fixed program display after message display (thanks to Andreas Fey)
* Added setup variable for time of Message Display
| 0.2.1
| 03.02.2005
* fixed progress sign setup (thanks to Randy)
* corrected umlaut settings (thanks to Randy)
* Added german translations (thanks to Randy)
* Showing bouquetinfo when zapping (thanks to Randy)
* Set Time of Info display to VDR setup parameter OSDMessageTime
| 0.2.0
| 25.01.2005
* No more bailing out if too many errors are occuring. ( So Non-LCD Activy's are also supported now :-)
* display fixed, when a recording starts on a primary channel (thanks to Andreas Fey)
* Sign for Progressbar customizable
| 0.1.4
| 13.01.2005
* some bugfixes (thanks to Andreas Fey)
| 0.1.3
| 11.01.2005
* Fixing a bug causing a trap during (DVD)replay (thanks to Andreas Fey)
* New Setting for sleeptime.
* Makefile fixed
| 0.1.2
| 10.01.2005
* Clearing LED's on exit (thanks to TEN)
* Beautify characterscrolling (thanks to TEN)
* decreasing sleeping time from 0.5 to 0.3 seconds
* Fixed reading of setup parameters
* Some changes in action thread handling
| 0.1.1
| 03.01.2005
* rewritten most parts
* two scroll variants selectable (block or character)
* added some scripts to the package
| 0.0.21
| 10.11.2004
* update of running tv program
* scroll speed
* more stable with semaphor and call of script /etc/init.d/ to redefine key mapping
| 0.0.20
| 09.11.2003
* frontpanel-key-pressed timer implemented
* optimized hangup detection
| 0.0.19
| 03.07.2003
* name change
* full implementation of power-button shutdown (-> READ README!)
* check amount of error codes - if too much, bail out
* bugfixes
| 0.0.18-MAGE
| 01.07.2003
* new Button: Eject CDROM (Left-Down both pressed)
| 0.0.18-MAGE
| 29.06.2003
* catch button status codes
* first button implementation: BUTTONS: Left-Left; Right-Right; Ok-Ok; Up-Up; Down-Down; Menu-Left/Right (both pressed); Red-Up/Down (both pressed); Shutdown-Up/Right (both pressed)
* power-scancodes removed from setup (didn't work on my activy)
| 0.0.17-MAGE
| 24.06.2003
* improved scrolling (no right-left scrolling, only right-scrolling)
| 0.0.16-MAGE
| 23.06.2003
* improved serial-port settings
* improved check for return codes
* return of hw-revision and sw-revision during boot
* if there is no return code, thread will no longer hang!
* due to error-return codes, plugin will perform a clear lcd operation
| 0.0.15-MAGE
| 19.06.2003
* improved serial-port settings
* check for return codes (min 2)
* if there is no return code, thread will hang!
* due to thread hangs, frontpanel will no longer crash (no more reflashing)
| 0.0.14-MAGE
| 21.05.2003
* multiple bugfixes
* scrolling speed adjustable
| 0.0.13-MAGE
| 20.05.2003
* multiple bugfixes
* slowdown display ("hangs")
* volume display fixed
| 0.0.12-MAGE
| 20.05.2003
* multiple bugfixes
* progress bar during mp3/mplayer/vcd/dvd playback
| 0.0.11-MAGE
| 18.05.2003
* change from static chars to dynamic chars
* multiple bugfixes
* speedup display
* correct return from menu to channelview
* fixed incorrect 'tab' display
| 0.0.7-MAGE
| 13.05.2003
* inital release

Version vom 8. August 2013, 19:15 Uhr



Autoren: Andreas Weinberger, Markus Geisler, Helmut Auer

Das Plugin erlaubt die Nutzung des LCDs einer Fujitsu-Siemens Activy 300 und auch der neueren Activys.

Mit der Version 1.2.1 ist es möglich, den nächsten Timer auf dem LCD der Activy nach dem Shutdown anzuzeigen. Das, welches HelAu beilegt, funktioniert nur unter gen2vdr 1.1. Deshalb unten ein Beispiel zum selberanpassen.




  • Activy 300 Media Center von Fujitsu Siemens


cd /usr/local/bin
ln -s $SOURCEDIR/VDR/PLUGINS/src/alcd/scripts/*sh .


-P'acld -r /usr/local/bin/'


Parameter (kurz) Parameter (lang) Beschreibung
-r --resetscript=<Datei> Führe Skript nach einem PIC-Reset aus (Standard: keins)


Ein Beispiel für wo ihr /video0/~wakeup herbekommt muss man noch schauen

# Activy set Display text
# /bin/stty 38400 < /dev/ttyS0
WAKEUP_FILE='/video0/~wakeup'  # LinVDR 0.7
if [ -r /etc/conf.d/vdr ]; then
  source /etc/conf.d/vdr
elif [ -r /etc/sysconfig ]; then
  source /etc/sysconfig
if [ -z "${PLUGINS/*alcd*}" ]; then
  if [ -s "${WAKEUP_FILE}" ] ; then
    read Wakeup < ${WAKEUP_FILE}
    set -- ${Wakeup}
    WakeupTime="$(date -d "1970-01-01 UTC ${NextTimer} seconds" '+%d.%m.%Y - %R')"
    echo "${WakeupTime}"
    echo "${Channel}-${RecordingName}" PLUG alcd LOCK PLUG alcd PWRLED BLINK PLUG alcd SHOW "${WakeupTime}|${RecordingName}" PLUG alcd STAY "ON"
    sleep 3


Version Datum Beschreibung Link
1.5.1 15.05.2009
  • Updated italian translation (Thanks to Diego Pierotto)
1.5.0 27.04.2009
  • Added UTF-8 support
  • Config Variable Watchdog added
  • Added Scrollbar Display (Customizable)
1.4.2 04.12.2008
  • Removed default execution of resetScipt (-r <script> Paramater is needed)
1.4.1 03.12.2008
  • Fixed text output via afp-tool
1.4.0 09.09.2008
  • Added afp-tool for sending commands to the frontpanel.
1.3.1 05.09.2008
  • Some fixes for German Umlauts (will not work on pure UTF systems)
  • Fixes for avoiding resets

Aktuelle Version

Version 1.5.2


  1. Alte Homepage des Plugins
  2. Download der aktuellen Version
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