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# This is a example of imagecmds.conf with usually using and sample entrys.
# This file should placed on VDR configuration folder with setup.conf
#  .../setup.conf
#  .../plugins/imagecmds.conf
# Syntax is: <name>[?];<command>
# <name>    = descriptor displayed in VDR
# [?]       = confirmation request, before execute command (optionally)
# <command> = command what execute with current watched file
#             %s - placeholder filename (optionally)
# See also at man-pages vdr(5), its the same syntax as reccmds.conf
Informations about picture        : file %s
Size of picture                   : du -chs %s
Pregenerate this folder and below : /usr/local/bin/
Delete picture?                   : rm -f %s